Week 5 Continued (27-19 Jan)
Sorry fella, I'm extremely busy during the Chinese new year and don't have lots of time and transportation to visit CC as freely. Forget the craps and continue reading the continued week 5.
Thursday (Cont.)
After the Bball game, we all were allowed to go back to our room and take our bath. So that's what I did, and when I was about to take my bath in the water room, I heard someone came into the room and said something about KJ is outside and wanted everyone out side immediately. I was thinking, what? Now? without my clothes on? Then someone shouted again," Everyone, out quick!" in BM! So I just went out with my undies covered by my tower.
About 20+ ppl were already outside, most covered with their towers, lining outside of our sleeping room, with KJ, Tiger and the rest of the BIG GUN trainers at the front. Then the trainers start asking question like "Who punch the guy, admit now!" and saying "Come out now or else if we found out who you are, then you know". Well, surely wasn't me, and the rest of the ppl look innocent as well. Then KJ started banging us one by one with his chest while asking "IS it you? IS IT YOU?" Of course, all of us quickly replied "No, I didn't do anything" or something similar, except for a guy. I wasn't sure, but I think he didn't respone that time, and KJ just pull his shirt (Yes, he's not using tower), "Why did you punch him?". Most of us thought that he got the wrong guy. We were wrong, he is involved, because there were bruises on his face. However, he is in another fighting case, a bigger one that KJ didn't know and wasn't investigating that time.
Then the Chinese guy who was being punch was called to the scene. He was told to identify who punched him. "We settle the thing ourselves already, and it doesn't matter anymore, it was him who punched me but we were just kidding around" The Chinese guy told, while pointed out another bumi guy and shacked hand with him. "How about this fella?" asked KJ, "He got nothing to do with it", the Chinese guy replied. Then KJ continued interrogating the bumi fella with bruises on his face. "Who punched you? Tell me", asked KJ. The fella just kept quiet, don't know why. "Tell me now! What are you afraid of!?" shouted KJ. "Can't, I'm afraid", told the fella in a low voice. "Tell me who! What are you afraid of, he won't hurt you anymore as we will get him!" Shouted the other trainers and Tiger. "If you do not tell us now, the whole group of ppl will get the punishment!" suggested by a trainer. "Come one la! Tell them now! Don't get us into trouble!" we all shouted when we heard that. Then the fella finally said it out "He's from room 6A." Then the trainers followed him to that particular room while the rest of us were allowed to continue out "business".
Then at night after the dinner is the usual trash talking. It wasn't really trash talking that night as ppl from room 9A, B and 10A, B were called up to the front, and unluckily, I'm in room 10B. Then KJ just describe what happen and sort of punish the guy there. He pushed the fella and coincidentally he fell on my arm which is beside the glass window pane, causing my arm to bent and break three window panes! I thought I hurt myself, but at close inspection, I was injured, I don't even feel any pain! Thank GOD! However, we were all punished to report at the marching field every one hour from 11pm in army suit, darn it!
So after that, we all went back to change into our army suit, and come out of our room at around 10.30pm. Halfway changing my clothes, I heard that there's spot check being carried out at the mean time, so I did some some teacher walking around our area when I leave the room. Vice Camp Commander was there in his motorbike. He asked "Who's a smoker over here?" Of course, no one in the right mind will admit. "Here, have one of my cigarette, I allow you to smoke here..." He said, while taking and showing his cigarette box. Then we're told to line up before going to the field. "And who broke the fans in the rest room" he asked "If you admit now, I will let you back to sleep." No one dare to speak out. "Do you know that breaking government properties could lead you into prison?" He asked. We keep silent. Then we march to the field.
That night was really a long one! We reported at 11pm at the field, then are asked to follow stupid marching commands then at 11.40pm, we're asked to go to bed and report to teacher at 12am at the Warden room 10. We continued reporting twice at 12am and 1am, then the trainer "put water" and let us to sleep until 6am the next day. Man! How I missed sleeping!
After the "scary" Thursday, Friday is back to the boring normal days. The usual morning flag raising, exercise and CB class. The CB teacher actually asked for a 30 minutes extension for our class that day, so our class ends at 11am, not the usual 10.30am. Then there's some more class at 2pm until 3.30pm. After that is the sport competition, Sepak Taktraw for the guys while Futsal for the girls.
That day was the sport carnival opening ceremony by the head of camp commander. It's also the start of Jogathon around the hills of Soon Hup Villa. It was surely a tedious run, I almost fainted running the hilly 3KM sandy track. I ended up being the 65th person to be back at the camp, not bad. One guy from our company was the fastest runner while the best overall company was Charlie. We're all very tired, and we were told to enter the CB class at 11am! What on earth are those teacher thinking, trying to frustrate us is it!? So freaking sick of the teachers and their dumb time allocation. After lunch, there's some more class at 2pm!! And that is the end of the module 1 for CB class with a ending video, which is same as boring. Then we're pretty free after the dinner, which is a good thing we did not get for a long long time. That night I tried to sleep early for the church on the next day.
Well, seem like I've been lagged behind for like two weeks. Ouch. I'm also lagged behind pre-writing my log in a book for more than a week. Bad self discipline... What to do... Anyway, I really have to go now. Stay tuned for more on next week.
haha.... u sure like to sleep. u teachers were bad.anyway, wish u always be safe n come back early.
Angelique d'Angoulême, at February 13, 2005 at 10:56:00 PM GMT+8
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