Week 4 (16-22 Jan)
Well, for Sunday, I found out that I cannot bring my jacket out anymore. Not even when the weather is cold (around 24*c at 5am in camp) or there is a big chance of raining. Bag is also not allowed to be brought out, so I'd wasted my RM15 on a backpack I bought on the previous Sunday, darn. That night, the Nationalism teachers found out the some prankster vandalised the "Signature Banner" with dirty pictures and words. That banner is suppose to be handed to the camp commander on the last night the Nationalism teacher is in the camp. They tried hard to find the people who did it, but they didn't announce whether they found or not, my bet is they won't.
On Monday afternoon, we played the A-Frame game (wira only for the day), and one of my company-mate really fall from the frame and break his arm. Thank goodness he's wearing a helmet, otherwise, he'll injure his head as well. The accident happen was mainly caused by the not-so-working-together of all the company members, we're just having fun, not really serious. Accident will be avoided if all the teammates give full concentration on the game, less on thinking of having fun himself.
At night, we're giving Anti-Malaria drug before we start our Performing Show by Nationalism Class students. The drug is to prevent Malaria infection when we're having night-trekking on the next day. As for the performing show, it's just group singing by every class, nothing interesting. I do admire guitar skills of some of the wiras. They are damn good! After the show, we're all very sleepy, there is still some speech by the camp commander, and the giving of the 'Signature banner' to the camp commander, and speech by the Nationalism head-teacher. It was B-O-R-I-N-G and ends at 11.30pm, so we get our sleep 1 hr later than usual. And we still need to wake up at around 5.30am next day.
Tuesday we have the briefing for night-trekking. Then we all have someone flying-fox fun in the afternoon. Sadly, I still do not have the chance to play it, due to time constrain. We do get our allowance of RM100 that day. The initial punishment of RM50 for vandalizing toilets for guys wasn't true after all, thank goodness...
Then we had night-trekking at night (at last!). It was said to last until 1am, and travel more than 4km. And you know what? We manage to finish at 9.30pm, and back to camp at 10pm. Moreover, we're aren't walking in some jungle, it's just some dumb grass land. We did wet our boots (yes, it's not water tight) and dirty our socks. The trainers did compliment our team-work and survivility (what the heck am I writing...). After the trekking, my roommate cook maggie mee using solid-fuel and the aluminum cup they stolen from the bottle provided for the trekking INSIDE the room. Hilarious!
On Wednesday morning, we got to wake up late, but must be at the canteen before 8.30am. That was also the first day we had our Character Building (CB) class. The impression they gave wasn't as exciting. First of all, a lot of names of the campers are still left out for the classes. How can this happen? Can't they learn from the fault they did at the beginning of the Nationalism class? Okay, maybe the teachers are different, but 50+ left-out names is just unforgivable! Then is the lousy ice-breaking and childish sing-cum-dance game to "free our self". I am happy though that the CB head-teacher is less boring than the nationalism one. The nationalism one is just always with his idiotic "Hello? Hello?"
At night we have the karaoke competition. Since I'm not involved and no one's signing chinese song (why???), I didn't pay much attention at it, and go to bed earlier. And then, the climax begins...
Because the next day is the first day of the Hari Raya Haji Holiday, my roommate and some from other room are in my room, gambling and light smoking. I thought they going to play up until late midnight, so I decided to switch room to sleep (which is not allowed). Then around 11.30pm, I was awaken by someone, then I head "KJ" (one of the trainers) voice shouting in my room! Sound to me like the gambler are caught. I was asked to go back to my room (just next door). Then I realise 5 or 6 trainers were in the room, with the gambler standing a side. Their names were recorded for further punishments. Thanks god I'm not punished for anything. I heard that they're going into the Siri Khas. The non-gambler are left in the room to continue their sleep, while the gambler are asked to go outside... don't know for what...
On Thursday, most of the camper having their holidays were waiting for their parents to fetch them out of the camp (That is the requirements to have the holiday outside the camp). After all those people had leaves, we start making bamboo rice by finding firewoods. The girls in the other hand, start cleaning the banana leaves. In the afternoon, they start putting those leaves into the bamboo. We got to get up to 'Bukit Nangis' that afternoon, and after we got down, they're half way making the coconut milk and putting them into the bamboo. After I bath and back to the canteen, the fire had already started cooking the bamboo. We do not really eat the bamboo rice that night, it's for the Hari Raya Haji next day, but more of breathing in the smoke from the burning woods. I did tasted a bit of it... it was good!
On Friday is the Hari Raya Haji. We all get to eat the malay food at 11am, after the malay are back from the mosque at 9.30am. It was EXTREMELY DELICIOUS! I feel really proud to be a Malaysian and able to taste all these tasty malay food! For the rest of the day, we're off doing nothing, and play games ourselves. Then at night we are told that the trip to town on Sat are cancelled... Darn...
On Saturday is really nothing to do other than playing more UNO and "cho tai di" using the UNO cards, of because no money is gambled. Then in the afternoon, I decided not to go up the hill to make phone calls but to stay back and watch 'New Police Story' in the karaoke room. Some of my friends followed their friends out of the camp without permission as well (because friends and family are allowed to visit us during holidays), hope they didn't get caught. We're told that we can stay at town till 3pm on Sunday, and that is also the first time I realise that the malay aren't able to go out to town every Sunday, pity them. They are able to go to town on the next day thought.
Wow, more than 40 minutes typing all these out in a CC wasn't easy and cheap. Hope you all like it! That's all for this week! Have fun you all, and take care!
wow!! it was closs1 i feel sorry on what happened to that guy. oh! night trekking!!! i like that but i din have a chance. haha.....from the word'B-O-R-I-N-G', i can know how boring u r. Haha........ u r so closs u din get caught. u days there sounds fun!!! i m a bit regret i din chosen 4 NS!!
Angelique d'Angoulême, at January 23, 2005 at 10:51:00 PM GMT+8
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